Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Moose Peterson On D3

Moose Peterson Writes:

"We're stepping into a new evolution of digital photography with the D3. The craft of photography is being redefined by the high standard the D3 brings to our photography. Is your photography up to the quality the D3 delivers?

"What's presented here is simply what I've found works for me to date. This is without the aid of an instruction book. The information here is just from using the D3. I know when I have an instruction book and more shooting time with the D3, I'll have more to post. In the meantime, check out the D3 Gallery to see where the D3 has taken me so far. While I know I'll be refining my own D3 application, hope this helps you get a jump start on your photographic pursuits."

Visit Peterson's D3 Website

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