Monday, January 7, 2008

The Drobo Drobolator

I noticed something called a "Drobolator" on the Drobo website, but didn't pay as much attention to it as I should have. A reader today (Rob), wrote in that the Drobolator "lets you calculate exactly what you get for the different drives you use in your Drobo". So I took it for a spin. By dragging and dropping your SATA drives into the Drobo unit pictured on the website, you are told exactly how much hard drive space you will have for your data, and how much Drobo will need to work its backup magic. My confirmation will be 4 500GB drives. According to the Drobolator, that will leave me with 1.8 terrabytes of storage space. That's a little more than I expected.

You can find my previous Drobo posts here and here.

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